What is new with VMware Cloud at VMworld 2020 and what is DRaaS?

September 29, 2020 Kim Bottu 0

VMware is actively promoting a Multi-Cloud platform as a solid basis for the new enterprise platform. In line with this, get ready for exciting news about: VMware Cloud on Dell EMC VMware Cloud on AWS Introducing VMware Cloud DRaaS What is new for VMware Cloud on Dell EMC For some time now, VMware cloud has been offered as a cloud service on Dell EMC hardware. This means that Dell EMC hardware will be rolled in into your own datacenter, and through the use of VMware software, bring the cloud right into your datacenter. You might have heard of similar offerings such as Azure Stack. Starting after VMworld 2020, VMware Cloud on Dell EMC will support the following: A bigger focus […]

HCX Gotchas Vol 2 #HCX #Migrations @vExpertHCX #vExpert

September 28, 2020 Bilal Ahmed 1

This article was updated on the 11th of November 2020 So as HCX has progressed over the last year, a lot of the initial things that could catch you out have been sorted and for the most part, it’s all pretty simple to deploy and get up and running. There are times you will come across certain errors and you have to sit back and try and figure out what HCX is doing and why that error is happening, as sometimes the errors can be a bit cryptic…even when you go diving into the logs! Service Mesh When deploying a new Service Mesh I kept coming across this error: After troubleshooting with VMware support and Engineering, their first thought was […]

VCDX-NV – #289

September 24, 2020 Chris Noon 0

On Monday 14th of September 2020, I remotely sat the VCDX defence and the following Tuesday, I received the fantastic news that I passed. I am officially VCDX number 289! For those of you that are new to vMusketeers and my VCDX blogs, here are a link to the previous 3 blogs and a vBrownBag video: The design document. The design defence. The scenario defence. VCDX motivation (vBrownBag). The experience. I spent a lot of time talking to and working with existing VCDX’s and VCDX applicants. Because of this, the defence day was more or less as expected. It followed the format I’ve discussed previously: design defence and then design scenario. The only difference to my defence and other first […]

What is new in vSphere 7 U1, vSAN 7U1 and VCF 4.1

September 15, 2020 Kim Bottu 0

Introduction September 2020 brings a lot of new features and updates to some of the VMware product range such as vSphere 7 U1, vSAN 7U1 and VCF 4.1. I have to say, it was pretty hard not to spill any secrets this time! vSphere 7 U1 vSphere 7 U1 supports Tanzu! The prerequisite to deploy VCF, should you want to deploy Tanzu, has been dropped. Yes, you have read that right! As of vSphere 7 U1 we will be able to deploy enterprise-grade Kubernetes into an existing infrastructure. Want more good news? Deploying Tanzu on vSphere can be accomplished in less than 1 hour! Deploying a Tanzu POC or running Tanzu in your homelab has never been that easy! NSX-T […]

Integrating CloudHealth and vROps

September 13, 2020 Kim Bottu 0

Introduction CloudHealth is the best product available to manage and optimize your cloud spend and vROps is the best tool to monitor and optimize the Cloud. This article will go into the technical details of how to integrate CloudHealth into vROps. Later Anthony Poh (CloudHealth Senior TAM) will write a second post which will show you what the things in this post look like in the CloudHealth UI itself. CloudHealth If you are running workloads and services in the cloud and you want to optimize your cloud spend, CloudHealth is the way to go! A couple of CloudHealth features you definitely have to look into are: Perspectives, Reporting & Dashboards, Integrations, Governance and Security. Integration with vROps Before you can […]

An IT story of getting out of burn-out and depression

August 10, 2020 Kim Bottu 1

I have never been good at talking about my own feelings. To expose myself in such a way always makes me feel vulnerable and I don’t like feeling vulnerable. However, after reading some very humble stories from people in IT having to deal with burnout and suffering from depression, I have decided to share my experiences as well, and more importantly, how I got out of it all. The beginning I used to work as a systems engineer for a bigger global enterprise. For the first time in my life, I would work with VMware technology such as vCenter server and VMware View. Not only would I have to keep all systems healthy in the office I was working, but […]

NSX-T Automation using Terraform: The how (VMC)!

August 10, 2020 Chris Noon 3

I started the series with a post about why I wanted to use Terraform. Now we have the why out of the way, let’s get to the fun stuff… the how! I use Terraform for 2 things. The first is to spin up SDDC’s on VMC and configure the VMC NSX-T piece. The second is spinning up NSX-T environments in the lab, which will hopefully make it into production one day. In this post, I’ll focus on the VMC element. The VMC Environment. I’ll start by assuming you know what VMC on AWS is and have a high-level understanding of its concepts and what it delivers. I’ll skip the step for deploying a VMC SDDC using Terraform, but if you […]

NSX-T Automation using Terraform: The why!

August 3, 2020 Chris Noon 1

Hi all, I hope you are all doing well during these trying times. For months, possibly even years, I’ve been convincing myself I’d dive into automation.  What better time than one where I am forced into isolation with my laptop.  In truth, I was jolted into action by a business requirement for automating the build of a number of environments.  These environments had to be standardised and utilise many of the same configuration elements. I’ve spent the better part of a month learning about Cloud (AWS and VMC on AWS) along with Network Automation, which brings us onto our first section… Why Terraform? I first began by googling ‘Network Automation Tools’ and reading a ton of articles.  Whittling down my […]