HCX Service Mesh Considerations #HCX @VMwareHCX #vExpert

January 20, 2020 Bilal Ahmed 0

So let us have a quick overview of HCX Service Meshes before we continue: Service Meshes can contain all 3 appliances or just an Interconnect appliance or just a Layer 2 Ext appliance, depending on your needs. The WAN Optimiser is optional. Features are always being added to HCX, but these are the key services/appliances. The Interconnect (IX) appliance holds most of the services, I tell people to think of it as a vSphere Replication Manager, as that is one of the main services it holds. HCX uses vSphere Replication for all its replication bits, so the same pros and cons that apply to vSphere Replication apply here as well! How the Mesh is configured and deployed is dependant on […]

NSX-T 2.4 Edge Failures

July 22, 2019 Bilal Ahmed 0

Introduction So in the first part Chris (@UltTransformer) and I (@Dark_KnightUK) played with and broke the NSX-T Manager.  We thought it was the Edges turn, so… Now to test Edge failures!   Let’s recap.  We have one(1) edge cluster with two(2) edge nodes of medium size.  We have a T1 configured that connects to two(2) T0’s (active/active) and both T0’s have”external” access (within the lab). All is good with the world! Edge Nodes Explained This is an interesting concept. Edge Transport Nodes are VMs, the Edge Nodes are containers/VRFs and the SR/DR are services deployed inside these containers/VRFs.  At least that’s the way we see it. You can have up to ten(10) Edge Nodes in a cluster. Edge Nodes can be […]

Flashblog: DCIS-Cube

May 12, 2018 Stijn Depril 0

Over the last couple of months I had been involved in the development of the ‘DCIS-Cube’, the new architecture that will be used as a ‘portable’ and easy deploy-able system by NATO’s Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency). Portability and the ease of deployment of infrastructure in regions of deployment have always been challenging for the NCI. When they have to deploy a small datacenter to support a mission somewhere on the globe, they have to ship a couple of racks with hardware to that specific place.  Apart from the logistical nightmare of moving a ton of hardware,  they are struggling with the actual deployment of all that hardware as well. As every single mission has different requirements they can’t prepare the solution somewhere […]