When I embarked on the journey to become a vExpert, I did so because of a wish to find like minded people, people who like working with the same technology and like to share stories about how they have accomplished awesome things using VMware technology. I really wanted to connect to people who have the same professional goals in life, and who could inspire me professionally.
At my previous employer, certification was not encouraged, and even though I knew I wanted to get certified, no one was cheering me on. Getting to the next step in my career seemed daunting to me.
I discovered very fast that the vExpert community is more than just a word. A lot of people who are awarded the vExpert status, are always standing by to help their vCommunity members with sound advise, stories from the trenches and encouragement when you have set your eyes on your next goal. The vCommunity is always there to help you, and more often than not, it will be one or several vExperts helping you.
As someone who was working as an IT engineer in the IT department of a law firm, it was hard for me to get noticed by vendors and top tier consulting companies. But then I was awarded vExpert and obtained my VCAP-DCD after being metored by some people in the vCommunity, I got noticed and I was able to sign a contract with ITQ and forward my career. Take note, ITQ really values the vCommunity, so being a vExpert, really helped me to land my job!
While my initial motivation to becoming a vExpert was, no doubt, 100% professionally oriented, this changed pretty fast after ‘first contact’ with like minded people was made.
Some friendships across borders have emerged and we usually jump on occasions where we can meet face to face and enjoy some food and beers in each others company. Jokes, family life and happiness are shared with each other. But also sadness, doubts and worries are shared equally. We are there to support each other. Something that is really helpful in these times of Covid-19.
The half yearly vExpert Applications are open and I would like to invite you to apply. However, if you have any doubts on how to apply, you can always reach out to any of the vExpert PROs, we are standing by to help you. The link to apply for vExpert can be found here.
Good luck!
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