Finally, VMworld we meet once more! The sixth or seventh time already and still I am enjoying it as much as the first time, if not more!
VMworld is a special event, not just for the technical content which is being gospelled in all sessions but also because it is wonderful to meet and greet my distant friends from around the globe in person, some of whom I have never met outside of the virtual world until today –> Hello Valdecir and Bilal, really nice to finally meetup in person!
Something else what really makes VMworld special this year, is that there are four vMusketeers attending VMworld: Frederiek, Bilal, Stijn and myself! That means that almost half of our little vMusketeers community is here!
Today I spend a rather laid back day at VMworld. I only attended one technical session which took a whopping 5.5 hours: “Run Kubernetes on VMware”. Great first impression about running Kubernetes & P8S for a noob like myself. I can understand why Kubernetes and P8S are gaining more and more attention in the world. A pity though that the lab itself was only very short.
After dinner with the ITQ family it was time for the VMware BeLux party. Happy faces! Good times!
Awesome first day, onto the next one!
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