HCX Gotchas Vol 2 #HCX #Migrations @vExpertHCX #vExpert

September 28, 2020 Bilal Ahmed 1

This article was updated on the 11th of November 2020 So as HCX has progressed over the last year, a lot of the initial things that could catch you out have been sorted and for the most part, it’s all pretty simple to deploy and get up and running. There are times you will come across certain errors and you have to sit back and try and figure out what HCX is doing and why that error is happening, as sometimes the errors can be a bit cryptic…even when you go diving into the logs! Service Mesh When deploying a new Service Mesh I kept coming across this error: After troubleshooting with VMware support and Engineering, their first thought was […]

HCX Service Mesh Considerations #HCX @VMwareHCX #vExpert

January 20, 2020 Bilal Ahmed 0

So let us have a quick overview of HCX Service Meshes before we continue: Service Meshes can contain all 3 appliances or just an Interconnect appliance or just a Layer 2 Ext appliance, depending on your needs. The WAN Optimiser is optional. Features are always being added to HCX, but these are the key services/appliances. The Interconnect (IX) appliance holds most of the services, I tell people to think of it as a vSphere Replication Manager, as that is one of the main services it holds. HCX uses vSphere Replication for all its replication bits, so the same pros and cons that apply to vSphere Replication apply here as well! How the Mesh is configured and deployed is dependant on […]

HCX Migration PowerCLI Scripts #HCX @VMwareHCX #PowerCLI #vExpert

January 6, 2020 Bilal Ahmed 9

So I have been spending more and more time working with HCX and the web interface for migrations is all well and good….but really when you are wanting to do bulk migrations you are really going to want to script it Now these scripts aren’t totally my own, I have butchered other peoples and amended them for my own use cases. The guys working at Global Migration Center (GMC) helped and they actually used William Lam scripts as a base point and a couple of other PSO engineers I work with added their bits too….so credit where credit is due 🙂 Script 1 Now with the above script, you have to put in: The HCX Enterprise Manager as the source The […]

Emad Younis & Adam Eckerle – The vCenter server and Platform Services Controller Guide to the Galaxy

October 18, 2016 Kim Bottu 0

If you have questions about the deployment of or migration to the VCSA no matter what version, Emad and Adam are probably the guys you want to have a conversation with and the session called ‘The vCenter server and Platform Services Controller Guide to the Galaxy’ should be the first session you should check out at VMworld Barcelona. The right question to ask yourself here is: why would you want to stay with the Windows Server  hosted vCenter server? Because you are used to it and everyone in your department can support it? Because the database administrators know perfectly well how to support Oracle or MSSQL databases but no Postgres? Because the Windows vCenter server historically has supported more features and has […]