HCX Migration PowerCLI Scripts #HCX @VMwareHCX #PowerCLI #vExpert

January 6, 2020 Bilal Ahmed 9

So I have been spending more and more time working with HCX and the web interface for migrations is all well and good….but really when you are wanting to do bulk migrations you are really going to want to script it Now these scripts aren’t totally my own, I have butchered other peoples and amended them for my own use cases. The guys working at Global Migration Center (GMC) helped and they actually used William Lam scripts as a base point and a couple of other PSO engineers I work with added their bits too….so credit where credit is due 🙂 Script 1 Now with the above script, you have to put in: The HCX Enterprise Manager as the source The […]

vSphere 6.7 Design Cookbook – Review #VCDX #VCAP #vSphere #Design

May 6, 2019 Bilal Ahmed 3

Disclaimer I own the two previous versions of this book and have used them extensively and I was given a free copy of this book to review. I also know one of the authors @VirtuallyMikeB well and he assisted me on my VCDX journey too. So this book is split up into multiple chapters, and I am going to break them down a bit more. I hope this will give you a better idea of what this book is all about and if it is something you would consider buying. Chapter 1: The Virtual Data Center So this chapter focuses on some of the basics, which you will probably already know if you are reading this book. Things like the […]

Testing VSAN 6.7 network outages on Ravello is easy!

May 1, 2018 Kim Bottu 2

For quite some time I have been thinking about setting up a new virtual VSAN lab on Ravello and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, aka.: OCI. There is not better time to get things done than the present, especially since vSphere 6.7 and VSAN 6.7 have been released earlier in the month. First: a big thank you to Ian Sanderson and Raff Poltronieri for posting to get vSphere 6.7 to work on Ravello / Oracle OCI. You can read about that right here. However, I was not really pleased with the network setup on my hosts. For starters, all my interfaces had been put on the same network, both the MGMT vmnics and the VSAN vmnics. I decided to change this. Starting today, […]