HCX Mobility Group Migrations using PowerCLI Scripts #HCX @VMwareHCX #PowerCLI #vExpert @saintdle

July 8, 2021 Bilal Ahmed 3

Nothing posted here is supported by VMware 🙂 So when the original scripts were created, HCX Mobility Groups weren’t even a thing! HCX evolves at a rapid rate and I was working with a customer who was using the original scripts but since they were migrating into VMware Cloud on AWS they had access to the Mobility Groups features! The original scripts can be found here. When working on these scripts with my buddy @saintdle we found that the way people had started using them didn’t work as expected for us, we tried William Lam’s script and we received errors: We tried this as well and came across similar issues: Zsoldier’s Tech Blog Also, the customer when trying the scripts […]

VCF4, vSphere 7, vSAN7, vROps 8.1 and everything else!

March 10, 2020 Kim Bottu 0

Introduction The days where all applications ran from a couple of servers managed by a couple of administrators hidden away in the basement of an office building are coming to an end. Although a big chuck of traditional applications will continue to need traditional servers to run from, it cannot be ignored that containers have been changing the application landscape. More and more applications are running from containers in a distributed architecture. Because the business expects applications to be delivered when they are needed, not in 3 months from now. Agility drives business and this is no different for the applications that the business relies on, no one wants to wait for an extended provisioning time for setting up new […]