Create an alert in vRLI for missing vSAN 7 File Shares

April 7, 2020 Kim Bottu 0

vSAN File services, they are finally here. However in my nested lab, after rebooting the vSAN cluster, often the file services do start but the shares remain unavailable. A good state of the File Services look like this: When all goes well, your File Services Shares should have been created at about the same time. In my test example, I have setup 2 different File Shares. So far so good. However, when I shutdown my vSAN cluster, going through the motions of putting my nested hosts into Maintenance Mode and shutting down the hosts, and then boot the hosts up again and get them out of maintenance mode, the File Services do come back up, but somehow the File Shares […]

VCF4, vSphere 7, vSAN7, vROps 8.1 and everything else!

March 10, 2020 Kim Bottu 0

Introduction The days where all applications ran from a couple of servers managed by a couple of administrators hidden away in the basement of an office building are coming to an end. Although a big chuck of traditional applications will continue to need traditional servers to run from, it cannot be ignored that containers have been changing the application landscape. More and more applications are running from containers in a distributed architecture. Because the business expects applications to be delivered when they are needed, not in 3 months from now. Agility drives business and this is no different for the applications that the business relies on, no one wants to wait for an extended provisioning time for setting up new […]