NSX-T Automation using Terraform: The how (VMC)!

August 10, 2020 Chris Noon 3

I started the series with a post about why I wanted to use Terraform. Now we have the why out of the way, let’s get to the fun stuff… the how! I use Terraform for 2 things. The first is to spin up SDDC’s on VMC and configure the VMC NSX-T piece. The second is spinning up NSX-T environments in the lab, which will hopefully make it into production one day. In this post, I’ll focus on the VMC element. The VMC Environment. I’ll start by assuming you know what VMC on AWS is and have a high-level understanding of its concepts and what it delivers. I’ll skip the step for deploying a VMC SDDC using Terraform, but if you […]

NSX-T Automation using Terraform: The why!

August 3, 2020 Chris Noon 1

Hi all, I hope you are all doing well during these trying times. For months, possibly even years, I’ve been convincing myself I’d dive into automation.  What better time than one where I am forced into isolation with my laptop.  In truth, I was jolted into action by a business requirement for automating the build of a number of environments.  These environments had to be standardised and utilise many of the same configuration elements. I’ve spent the better part of a month learning about Cloud (AWS and VMC on AWS) along with Network Automation, which brings us onto our first section… Why Terraform? I first began by googling ‘Network Automation Tools’ and reading a ton of articles.  Whittling down my […]

Generating SAN security certificate for NSX-T and PKS on Windows

July 22, 2019 Kim Bottu 0

A friend of mine had some problems generating certificates for NSX-T to be used with PKS. When he tried using the commands, from his mac, as instructed by https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Enterprise-PKS/1.2/vmware-enterprise-pks-12/GUID-generate-nsx-ca-cert.html , he would have error all over the place. For your information, afterwards we found out that the copy of the code generated some characters that the CLI didn’t like. Generating SAN certificates on Windows for NSX-T and PKS So I decided to generate the certificates in a different way, using the Windows version of OpenSSL. Obviously the code inthe VMware article will not really work, since that was created for linux type of platforms. Here is what we used to generate the certificate on Windows: Windows certificate creation A certificate […]