Use ADFS as Identity Provider for vCenter

May 8, 2021 Kim Bottu 0

After you have setup ADFS, you can start using ADFS as a Identity Provider for vCenter server.You can follow the following screenshots as some kind of a guide on how to configure vCenter server to use ADFS. Change the Identity Provider Next, copy the vCenter Redirect URIs. In my case these are: https://vcenter7.vmusketeers.local/ui/login https://vcenter7.vmusketeers.local/ui/login/oauth2/authcode Next, from ADFS copy the Client Identifier, Shared Secret and OpenID Address. But wait, you first have to create these in ADFS! The client identifier will be generated during the vCenter-ADFS – Server application creation in ADFS. So now open ADFS Create a new server application: vCenter-ADFS – Server application Just follow the screenshots now click Next Copy the Client Identifier: 79713503-00db-48a8-910c-d089b0782ae6 Add the vCenter Redirect […]