Monitoring Remote Objects using an EP OPS agent installed inside a Photon VM.
The version of Photon OS used is 3.0.
The package of EP OPS which has been installed is: vRealize-Endpoint-Operations-Management-Agent-x86-64-linux-7.0.0-9957520.rpm.
The version of Photon OS used is 3.0.
The package of EP OPS which has been installed is: vRealize-Endpoint-Operations-Management-Agent-x86-64-linux-7.0.0-9957520.rpm.
Vanaf vandaag is het vExpert 2019 seizoen geopend en tot en met 8 februari om 9 uur ’s morgens kan je je kandidatuur indienen om vExpert 2019 benoemd te worden! De aankondiging over wie dan tenslotte de nieuwe vExperts in 2019 zijn, volgt dan ergens tussen eind februari en begin maart. Wat is het vExpert programma? Het vExpert-programma is het globale “advocacy” en “evangelisme” programma dat ontworpen is om de marketing middelen van VMware ter beschikking te stellen aan jullie. Hiermee kunnen jullie makkelijker de goede boodschap van VMware kunnen verspreiden. Zo kunnen we helpen bij het promoten van jullie blog artikelen, jullie toegang verlenen tot onze wereldwijde evenementen, co-op advertenties met jullie doen en jullie ‘early access’ toegang geven […]
You may come across situations where it makes sense to export vROps reports (continuously) using PowerShell instead of using the build in solutions. There is a very good blog article about how to leverage PowerCLI to extract vROps reports, which you can find here. A huge thanks to @_ryanjan_ for sharing this information and to create and share the excellent helper-module. However, when trying to do export reports using PowerShell, I faced some problems: The report id changes, so we need a variable for that. The exported report must change name each time it is being exported, or any following export will try to use the same name of the report that is already there. This is especially needed when […]
How do you create an alert for a failed vRO workflow in vRealize Operations Manager? You might have noticed when you want to create an alert in vROps for a vRealize Orchestrator workflow, thatout of the box alerts for vRO workflows simply do not exist in vROps. However, should you have installed the content pack for vRealize Orchestrator, you might have seen that workflow executions and failures are displayed in Log Insight. Aha moment! Let’s integrate vRLI with vROps! Requirements: vROps vRLI Content Pack for vROps in vRLI vRealize Orchestrator First steps Make sure your appliances have been properly configured. So this means that you have to integrate vCenter, vRLI and vROps with eachother. Plenty of guides around to do just […]
It’s been a wonderful but at the same time very long and tiring day for me today. The sessions attended have been awesome, the people around me have been ‘super’ but unfortunately, last Monday night, I had the excellent -ahum- idea, to only drink soda drinks. Needless to say, I didn’t sleep that well on the night from Monday going on Tuesday. Oh well.. I have learned from that mistake . The vCommunity post Today, for the most time, I have been thinking and pondering about writing an article about the general session. Also about how the technical sessions I have attended today, fit in the vision gospelled in the general session. But let’s discard that idea. There are […]
Finally, VMworld we meet once more! The sixth or seventh time already and still I am enjoying it as much as the first time, if not more! VMworld is a special event, not just for the technical content which is being gospelled in all sessions but also because it is wonderful to meet and greet my distant friends from around the globe in person, some of whom I have never met outside of the virtual world until today –> Hello Valdecir and Bilal, really nice to finally meetup in person! Something else what really makes VMworld special this year, is that there are four vMusketeers attending VMworld: Frederiek, Bilal, Stijn and myself! That means that almost half of our little […]
At one of my previous customers, I was asked to look into setting up load balancing for EPOPS agents. Unfortunately there was no PKI infrastructure, so I had to use Open SSL. There is a lot of documentation on how to create self-certificates for vROPS but I didn’t find anything on how to create a custom certificate to be used for EPOPS as well. So what follows is a procedure how to create a vROPS certificate using OpenSSL, which you can use for EPOPS agents as well. Take note that the following has been created using OpenSSL for Windows. Requirements Take note that the NSX load balancer will perform SSL Passthrough and that when you configure the EPOPS agent you […]
Over the last couple of days I have heard and have read a lot of negative feedback about the vExpert PRO program. I don’t really want to go in on this because people are entitled to voice their opinion and we don’t always have to agree on everything. Instead, let me tell you why I think this program is important and why I think it is an added value. Four years ago, blogging and public speaking were the last things on my mind. I was too shy and too afraid of running the risk of making a fool of myself in public to even dare anything publicly. But along came Ariel Sanchez. (Yes, that guy again! He is like a […]
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