VMUG – VMware User Group in Belgium is upon us. This event is a great opportunity to get yourself updated on recent announcements shared by VMware but also users sharing their story with VMware technology. This year the agenda is packed with excellent topics. I’m really looking forward to all of them!
2 sessions I’m really looking forward too are underneath.

One is the session from Johan Van Amersfoort – VDI by day, compute by night. I was already at 2 events where Johan was presenting this topic. On both events I couldn’t make it due to other responsibilities at that moment. I’m really planning to attend this one. I’m sure this will be a great session that might “mindshift” my thinking about VDI and the computing power quiet a bit.

The other session is Maarten Van Driessen – Unlocking the power of SPBM with traditional storage arrays. This session is a little closer to home for me. As we are trying to create a consistent operational layer for storage both in traditional SAN and vSAN the Storage Policy Based Management Framework is our answer to make this happen. Maarten has experience with how this can/will be done when you work with traditional storage boxes. Really looking forward to this session and for me to learn something extra about VVOLS :-).

I will be presenting a session as well. VSAN operations is very close to my heart. Working with hyperconverged is fairly easy but still you need to know what you are doing. I see a lot of examples in the market where people are very successful with VSAN. They all have best practices in common. I will try to give you a good overview of all the tips and the tricks in the book to operationalise VSAN successfully. After this session you should have a good understanding on the different principles and how stuff works together.
Another session that will delivered by yours truly is the vExpert session. I recently got appointed the second vExpert PRO in my region (Belgium). As Kim pointed out in previous blogs we are working on increasing the vExperts in Belgium and Luxembourg. So the more our story gets told the more traction we get and the more vExpert enthusiasts we get. 1 full hour of vExpert goodness…
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