One of the biggest VMUG gatherings in the world is the one in the UserCon in the Netherlands. Over 800 people visited this Usercon this year. On the agenda this year were Duncan Epping, Jad El-Zein, Frank Denneman, Kit Colbert. These rockstars presented well attended sessions or keynotes. The agenda was packed with great sessions this year. I shared the stage with my colleague in the Netherlands. We prepared and presented the sessions. Since last week you can find all sessions on-line. For our English readers and viewers – The sessions are in Dutch
VSAN – What you always wanted to know
This sessions intent was to bring the general public up to speed with VSAN. In 45 minutes we could only scratch the surface of most of the topics. You will see a general overview of SPBM, How to deploy VSAN, architecture of VSAN,…
VSAN – What’s New
This year there was a “What’s New track”. Everyone got the opportunity to discover the latest updates of VMware’s portfolio. We made a session that talked about the 6.7 and 6.7U1 release as these release were in between the 2018 and 2019 UserCon. Maurice did this presentation as sharing a 20 minutes time slot was in our view a little to much for 2 people telling a consistent story…
Operationalizing VSAN
Operationlizing VSAN, this topic is something I can be very passionate about. I presented this session as I see a lot of common mistakes in the market that could be resolved by just respecting some base rules in VSAN.