VCAP5 Exam Retirements Suspended
Since we announced the retirement of the remaining VCAP5 exams in late March, we have heard from quite a number of you who have requested additional time to prepare for and take those exams. Additionally, we are still working on the development and refinement of the VCAP6 exams (which will replace VCAP5), so these new exams have not yet been released in production. In light of your requests and still-pending VCAP6 exam releases, we are suspending the retirement of the following exams: VCAP5 Design Exams: VMware Certified Advanced Professional 5 — Data Center Design (VCAP5-DCD) Exam #VDCD550 VCAP Lab Exams: VMware Certified Advanced Professional 5 — Data Center Administration (VCAP5-DCA) Exam #VDCA550 VMware Certified Implementation Expert — Network Virtualization (VCIX-NV) Exam […]