Using the API to add a new certificate to a vRLI cluster

March 13, 2020 Kim Bottu 0

When you have to replace certificates on multiple vRLI clusters, using the API might be a better way to change them on all your cluster nodes. Prerequisites You will need to prepare a certificate with a subject alternative name (SAN) for each of the cluster members and the Internal Load Balancer (ILB).You can use this article as a guide. How to Take note that I do not know if this is officially supported, but in my tests it works. Use a REST API client and connect to the ILB IP and request a session token. Make sure to add the credentials to the body of your request. When you post the command, a session token will be generated. You need […]

Creating a SSL certificate using OpenSSL to be used for EPOPS and VROPS

October 30, 2018 Kim Bottu 1

At one of my previous customers, I was asked to look into setting up load balancing for EPOPS agents. Unfortunately there was no PKI infrastructure, so I had to use Open SSL. There is a lot of documentation on how to create self-certificates for vROPS but I didn’t find anything on how to create a custom certificate to be used for EPOPS as well. So what follows  is a procedure how to create a vROPS certificate using OpenSSL, which you can use for EPOPS agents as well. Take note that the following has been created using OpenSSL for Windows. Requirements Take note that the NSX load balancer will perform SSL Passthrough and that when you configure the EPOPS agent you […]