ESXi Tardisks, Ramdisks & ESXi Local State
Hi All.. During my study for my VCAP-DCD, I came to an interesting point that I’d like to share with you. During reading vSphere Design Sybex V2 by Scott Lowe and Forbies Guthrie, they came though ESXi boot disk partitions and how the boot image is loaded into memory during boot. Long story short, ESXi base image essentially is a compressed file. When booting ESXi image, that compressed file is uncompressed into the memory producing two types of files: VMkernel Executives and Archive Files. VMkernel Executives are .gz files that aren’t shown in the list of file system files and they form the main files system. Archive files, aka. VIBs or VMware Installation Bundles (Anyone experienced with Auto Deploy knows them), contain all […]