VCAP-DCD Study Group and Exam Simulator
VMware Certified Advanced Professional (VCAP) certificates, the most certificates VMware professionals want to pursuit to prove their knowledge and proficiency as well as they’re prerequisites to the most valuable and hard certificate: VCDX. VCAP certificates are divided into two branches, one for Administration, that tests your administration and troubleshooting skills, and the other for Design. IMHO, VCAP Design certificates are far more difficult that Administration ones. During my journey to VCAP-DCD title, I was gifted by two things that helped me the most acquiring it as well as knowing new VMware professionals: VCAP-DCD Study Group & VCAP-DCD Exam Simulator. VCAP-DCD Study Group is founded and administrated by Melissa Palmer. This is a group of 180+ VMware professional pursuing VCAP-DCD, some […]