CAL! Center for Advanced Learning Advanced Architecture Course – Day 2

June 13, 2019 Kim Bottu 0

Outcome focussed The emphasis today was on VMware’s outcome focussed approach. Instead of focussing on technical solutions, the attention is directed towards what an organization wants to accomplish in order to be successful. What are the business needs and how can we help you reach these? This sounds easier than it is. Since most of us come from a technical background and we rarely get the opportunity to speak to C level and other business levels, we only receive information about the business needs and goals in the way that it is passed to us. Often this may be inaccurate. Exercises To help us get a better grasp on these differences, several exercises were presented to us which we had […]

CAL! Center for Advanced Learning Advanced Architecture Course – Day 1

June 11, 2019 Kim Bottu 0

Introduction Changing employer to one of the major players in the Benelux, has nice perks. One of these is being able to attend a course where there a specific prerequisites prior to be able to attend to it. The Advanced Architecture Course by the VMware Center for Advanced Learning is such a course. I had been hoping to be able to participate in it ever since I attended a presentation about it at VMware Empower last year and I am very happy that I have been giving the opportunity! Day 1 Day one started very early. We had to be at the campus at seven AM for all the formalities and administration. A pity no one thought about giving us […]