VMware in every Cloud – Hosted VMware Services

Last updated on July 10, 2022.

The table of information is not designed to be a competitive comparison table. If you are looking for an opinion on which cloud service provider you should use to host your VMware vSphere environment, then this is not the website for you.

You are right, you have seen this table somewhere else before more precisely on Simon Long’s website: https://www.simonlong.co.uk/. Simon did put this table together in order to learn more about the available service offerings and to share this data. Data on each service has been collected in order to have data points from all service providers available in a single place.

@Simonlong_ asked us if we would be willing to take over this comparative table and take care of updating it. We have accepted the challenge and wish to thank Simon for putting his trust in us.

This page will keep evolving over time as new services/features become available, so follow us on twitter @vMusketeers for updates . If a cell is empty it’s because we haven’t been able to find the information yet. If you notice any incorrect information, please contact us via twitter @vMusketeers  and we will do our best to update ASAP.

Currently included in this table are: VMC on AWS, AVS on Azure, GCVE on GCP, Oracle Cloud VMware Solution and VMware Cloud Foundation on IBM Cloud.

PS: the table can be scrolled horizontally!