NSX 6.2 + vSphere 6+ SRM
Since NSX has replaced vShield in the VCAP6-DCV DESIGN exam, we have to know the topology of how NSX integrates with vSphere. Hany Michael has done all the hard work and has placed the diagrams online. You can find them here. Michael hosts the full Quality picture on his site as a PDF. Please click the linkand generate some traffic on his site! NetSkyX-NSX62-vRA70-SRM60-vS60-ReferanceArchitecture-W14.pdf http://www.networkskyx.com/ http://www.networkskyx.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/NetSkyX-NSX62-vRA70-SRM60-vS60-ReferanceArchitecture-W14.pdf http://www.networkskyx.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/NetSkyX-NSX62-vRA70-SRM60-vS60-ReferanceArchitecture-W14.pdf