NSX CSM (Cloud Service Manager) CA Certificate

February 3, 2022 Chris Noon 0

I recently worked on a customer project where they replaced the NSX Manager certificate with a company-signed certificate using their own CA. This caused an issue when pairing the CSM with the NSX Manager, i.e. certificate error. This short blog post will run through the steps ran through to allow the CSM to peer with the NSX Manager. I understand this post won’t receive a lot of traffic, my hope is it helps someone in the future. The Procedure SSH to the CSM and login as root. Prepare your root CA cert in perm format and upload it to the CSM. On the CMS, get the JKS password from the following file: PASSWORD=`cat /config/http/.http_cert_pw` Add the root CA cert to […]

Complement your VDI environment with NSX: dFW.

January 3, 2021 Chris Noon 5

@Twitter@Linkedin Part 1: Complement your VDI environment with NSX.Part 2: Complement your VDI environment with NSX: dFW.Part 3: Complement your VDI environment with NSX: IDFW.Part 4: Complement your VDI environment with NSX: Introspection Services.Part 5: Complement your VDI environment with NSX: IDS/IPS.Part 6: Complement your VDI environment with NSX: Advanced Load Balancer I started the series discussing the different features within NSX that can complement a VDI environment. I’ll focus on dFW today, a well-known NSX feature. Recap: East/West Traffic between VDI’s. dFW, one of NSX’s well known and most marketable features, with good reason. Many attacks don’t target the motherload first time, but rather something lightly protected (think webserver) and then move laterally within the DC to something of […]

HCX Service Mesh Considerations #HCX @VMwareHCX #vExpert

January 20, 2020 Bilal Ahmed 0

So let us have a quick overview of HCX Service Meshes before we continue: Service Meshes can contain all 3 appliances or just an Interconnect appliance or just a Layer 2 Ext appliance, depending on your needs. The WAN Optimiser is optional. Features are always being added to HCX, but these are the key services/appliances. The Interconnect (IX) appliance holds most of the services, I tell people to think of it as a vSphere Replication Manager, as that is one of the main services it holds. HCX uses vSphere Replication for all its replication bits, so the same pros and cons that apply to vSphere Replication apply here as well! How the Mesh is configured and deployed is dependant on […]

Passing the VCP-NV 2019 NSX-T 2.4 2V0-41.19 exam #NSX #vExpertNSX #vExpert

September 9, 2019 Bilal Ahmed 0

So as many of you will know, I am pretty savvy when it comes to DCV but when it comes to networking in general and especially networking virtualization…I am a rookie. I missed the NSX-V train, it passed me by while I was working on other things and with NSX-T being quite new…I thought now is as good of a time as any to get on board! Networking has always been a weak point of mine, and my goal is to change that. I don’t intend to become the next CCIE or anything like that, but I want to become a more rounded consultant and just have a good solid level of understanding in different areas. I booked myself on […]

Generating SAN security certificate for NSX-T and PKS on Windows

July 22, 2019 Kim Bottu 0

A friend of mine had some problems generating certificates for NSX-T to be used with PKS. When he tried using the commands, from his mac, as instructed by https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Enterprise-PKS/1.2/vmware-enterprise-pks-12/GUID-generate-nsx-ca-cert.html , he would have error all over the place. For your information, afterwards we found out that the copy of the code generated some characters that the CLI didn’t like. Generating SAN certificates on Windows for NSX-T and PKS So I decided to generate the certificates in a different way, using the Windows version of OpenSSL. Obviously the code inthe VMware article will not really work, since that was created for linux type of platforms. Here is what we used to generate the certificate on Windows: Windows certificate creation A certificate […]