When we look at the benefits of the vExpert program, it is logical that we look at the professional benefits first. After all, the program is mostly professional related. But what being a vExpert changed most to me is not the professional part, it is the personal part.
The obvious benefit
As with most people, I like to share information. On the one hand because I am proud I figured something out, on the other hand because I like to know that someone is using what I shared. It tastes like recognition and recognition tastes like candy to grownups. With that recognition come great jobs. Add the vExpert licenses, access to the vExpert Slack channels, access to the community at VMworld and you have just caught the grail for anyone interested in VMware. It is a win-win for yourself, hurray!
The community supports
Blogging and presenting didn’t come natural to me, but people in the vCommunity did assist me along the way. Then and there I learned a valuable lesson… the community is always ready to help people who want to walk the way! You don’t have to walk alone. Call for assistance and someone will pick up the glove, be it a vExpert or a vExpertPRO.
But I digress from the message I actually want to “broadcast”…
And the winner is…
Friends. A simple word which means more than just the sum of the people. it is a word which carries a lot of meaning. A combination of happiness and shared sorrows; sadness and comfort; food and more food; pubs and movies; drinks and hangovers.
Over the years I have met some wonderful people in the vCommunity. I may not see them often, but I do call them friends. They have been there not only for my technical questions, but more importantly also for me. You might have read my post about depression and burnout, my vCommunity friends have always been there to support me.
So there you have it. The real benefit of the vCommunity is friendship. To honor my friends whom I met as part of the vExpert program/vCommunity, I am going to call them out by name and in no particular order:
Shady ElMalatawey, Bilal Ahmed, Graeme Vermeulen, Kiran Reid, Chris Noon, Stijn Depril, Manny Sidhu, Kev Johnson, Christian Parker, Anthony Poh, James Kilby, Craig Dalrymple, Amit Panchal, Dave Simpson, Chris Storie, Dean Lewis, Ian Sanderson, Paul Wilk, Gareth Edwards, Don Ward…..
Thanks for being there for me!
YOU can still apply until January 28 to become the next vExpert!
Click on the picture below.

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