"VMware Certified Design Expert – VCDX", the most difficult and most bright certificate in Virtualization field and only compared to Cisco Certified Architect (CCAr). Many Virtualization & Cloud experts try to acquire this certificate to prove their excellency and sharp skills and to add more and more to their personal value.
Me and my friend "Jason Grierson"- for those who don't know Jason and his tool, check this blog post – decided to pursuit VCDX 2015, Oct. panel. And as we did before, we decided to join a VCDX Study Group. This should help us with our design paper, provide more and more eyes to review your design, more peers to question your design decisions to be hardened and help us exchanging knowledge and skills regarding design and troubleshooting. Unfortunately, we found two old study groups on Google+ with no activity, so we decided to build a new one.
We created our "VCDX Study Group 2015" on Google+. This group is for all VCAPs who are pursuing VCDX, either in June 2015 or October 2015 Panels. In addition, all VCDX mentors are more than welcomed to join the group to help candidates there. Another thing, this group isn't for a certain region; wherever you're, you're more than welcomed to join. Currently, All our DCD fellows began to join us, some also pursuing VCDX 2015, other just to help their friends :-).
Wish us all luck in our new journey, if you want to join the fellowship, come and join and if you have some time to help us with, you're more than welcomed!!!
VCDX Study Group: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/105570624733483344134?cfem=1
** This group is a community one, not related or representing VMware, VCDX Program or currently VCDX holders.
** Any post or material that violates VMware NDA, its owner will be banned immediately.
** Any misuse of shared document or to-be-reviewed design papers, without a permission of its owner will result to immediate ban.
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