Manny Sidhu


My name is Manny Sidhu, though I should probably change it to vManny Sidhu since my wife says all I think about is Virtualization (capitalized to emphasize). Not entirely, but mostly true!

I’m a VMware fan, more specifically an NSX fan, as you can probably tell from the rest of the posts here and will likely remain one for the foreseeable future. I’m keenly interested in any virtualization solution to be honest – Hyper-V (yep, this thing has matured to an extent), KVM (your opensource hypervisor), Rubrik of late (pretty cool solution)… you get the drift.

I used to be pretty crazy about certifications earlier in my IT career, though the urge to get more still remains albeit a little less now. I’ve amassed 30+ certifications so far and a Master’s and Bachelor’s in Engineering from Victoria University, Melbourne.

My next certification is likely to be the VCDX: NV. I have attempted the DCV track 3x, not stopping till they gimme my number.

I try to give back to the community as much as I can. I’m a regular over on the TechExams.Net certification forums, dabble in the VMware community forums every now and again and participate in my local VMUG’s Steering Committee.

I’m a huge fan of Jim Rohn, one of my favourite quotes is – “Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.” I stick with this principle as much as I can.
