Some Basic #PowerCLI using foreach to modify #NTP and do #ESXi host backups #vExpert

February 6, 2019 Bilal Ahmed 0

You will have seen my earlier post about learning PowerShell, and now I am using what I think is one of the best things about PowerShell……The foreach loop. I have seen it used many times, and never fully understood it, I kind of got what it did, but now I am getting it into my head and I have been using it to try and various things. So I have been doing more bits in PowerCLI to help improve my scripting skills and just to see if I can make my life easier. Modifying NTP settings on multiple ESXi hosts There is a known bug in PowerCLI 10 where Remove-VMHostNtpServer looks like it has worked, but does not actually do […]

Why you should attend your local VMUG User Conference

January 25, 2019 Manny Sidhu 0

The local VMUG User Conference is fast approaching (March 21, save the date!), preparation’s in full swing and the VMUG leaders are working hard to make the event a success. While I can’t tell you the agenda just yet because it’s being finalized, what’s public information is the fact people of the likes of Brian Madden, Chris Wolf and Cody de Arkland will be there to present keynotes and a session or two. That’s reason enough to be there! The event’s free too in case you didn’t know. So head on over to the registration page here for the Melbourne chapter of the conference. Now why else should you attend the conference? Learn something outside your daily job. Maybe you’ve […]

IT as a force for good – Security in your digital workspace

January 11, 2019 Frederiek Vanhoornick 0

How technology can help against accidental data leakage?   This week an article caught my attention: Somebody was able to steal an external disk. This disk contained backup data of autopsy reports related to the bombing on March 22th, 2016.   So, for me a  couple of questions raised instantly! How is it possible that he can just enter the office? How is it possible that the doctor could save sensitive data to a personal/external disk? Both questions are about security! The first one could be solved just by installing badge readers at the door and an automatic lock And off course some common sense by just closing the door 🙂 The second question is more up my alley […]

Het vExpert 2019 seizoen is geopend!

January 7, 2019 Kim Bottu 0

Vanaf vandaag is het vExpert 2019 seizoen geopend en tot en met 8 februari om 9 uur ’s morgens kan je je kandidatuur indienen om vExpert 2019 benoemd te worden! De aankondiging over wie dan tenslotte de nieuwe vExperts in 2019 zijn, volgt dan ergens tussen eind februari en begin maart. Wat is het vExpert programma? Het vExpert-programma is het globale “advocacy” en “evangelisme” programma dat ontworpen is om de marketing middelen van VMware ter beschikking te stellen aan jullie.  Hiermee kunnen jullie makkelijker de goede boodschap van VMware kunnen verspreiden. Zo kunnen we helpen bij het promoten van jullie blog artikelen, jullie toegang verlenen tot onze wereldwijde evenementen, co-op advertenties met jullie doen en jullie ‘early access’ toegang geven […]

VSAN: Stretched Cluster Failure Scenarios explained

January 7, 2019 Stijn Depril 1

One of the most interesting features of VSAN, is the stretched cluster capability. It is safe to say, when we first introduced the stretched cluster capability, it wasn’t 100% ready. Sure, it worked, but it needed some improvements. Meanwhile we have made several improvements and have extended the stretched cluster feature set and it is now fully functioning & enterprise ready. Of course, with great claims come great responsibilities. So because we are always dealing with customer data, I always have a conversation with the customer about the actual expectations. This is especially the case if the client is thinking about using enterprise features such as stretched clustering.  Some customers have a very good understanding of business continuity others are not […]

Exporting vROps reports continuously using PowerShell

January 5, 2019 Kim Bottu 3

You may come across situations where it makes sense to export vROps reports (continuously) using PowerShell instead of using the build in solutions. There is a very good blog article about how to leverage PowerCLI to extract vROps reports, which you can find here. A huge thanks to @_ryanjan_ for sharing this information and to create and share the excellent helper-module. However, when trying to do export reports using PowerShell, I faced some problems: The report id changes, so we need a variable for that. The exported report must change name each time it is being exported, or any following export will try to use the same name of the report that is already there. This is especially needed when […]

VMworld 2018 – Day One

November 6, 2018 Kim Bottu 0

Finally, VMworld we meet once more! The sixth or seventh time already and still I am enjoying it as much as the first time, if not more! VMworld is a special event, not just for the technical content which is being gospelled in all sessions but also because it is wonderful to meet and greet my distant friends from around the globe in person, some of whom I have never met outside of the virtual world until today –> Hello Valdecir and Bilal, really nice to finally meetup in person! Something else what really makes VMworld special this year, is that there are four vMusketeers attending VMworld: Frederiek, Bilal, Stijn and myself! That means that almost half of our little […]

Creating a SSL certificate using OpenSSL to be used for EPOPS and VROPS

October 30, 2018 Kim Bottu 1

At one of my previous customers, I was asked to look into setting up load balancing for EPOPS agents. Unfortunately there was no PKI infrastructure, so I had to use Open SSL. There is a lot of documentation on how to create self-certificates for vROPS but I didn’t find anything on how to create a custom certificate to be used for EPOPS as well. So what follows  is a procedure how to create a vROPS certificate using OpenSSL, which you can use for EPOPS agents as well. Take note that the following has been created using OpenSSL for Windows. Requirements Take note that the NSX load balancer will perform SSL Passthrough and that when you configure the EPOPS agent you […]